A little love for the Thunder

I want to take this opportunity to give the Thunder the slow clap. Scott Brooks said it best- they may not be champions but they played like champions. And that’s what matters isn’t it? A team we can be proud of.

Most of Oklahoma City would agree since over 4,000 people stood at the airport to give the team a standing ovation when they arrived from Miami. In the past two weeks, the Thunder have done more for OKC than anyone could have hoped. The rest of the country rooted for us (except Florida and Washington, sorry Seattle) and Oklahoma City became one step closer to being one of the mythical “cool” cities that people want to move to or visit. So thank you Kevin and Russell and Nick and James and Serge and Kendrick and Thabo and the rest of the guys, you all deserve a long slow clap for your excellence on the court and off. Thank you for getting OKC to the finals. Thank you for not getting arrested for dog fighting or picking up teenagers or doing drugs. Thank you for making the city look great and for being excellent role models for our city’s kids.

Most of all, thank you to Scott Brooks. You took an immature, young team and made them into a well oiled machine. You managed to walk a fine line between one member of the team out shining the others and all members rising to the occasion. In emphasizing each players strengths, they became a more cohesive team, filling in the gaps each time they took the court. As a city, we love them for the way they play together but also for their uniqueness and individuality. The giant beard on that building on Western and the “Every day I’m Russelin” tees show just how much each player means to the city. I don’t know if we’ll make it to the finals next year or if we’ll even have all the same players but for this moment in time, the city is behind you. Thank you for an excellent season.

I’ll be counting the days to next year. Thunder up!

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