Cacti, almost as funny as buffalo

Alex and I got to spend the weekend in Scottsdale and it was fantastic! We spent some time hiking in the desert….


…where I took pictures of funny looking cacti. SO I decided the only logical thing to do would be to have a CACTI NAMING CONTEST. I know, totally sweet right? Alex thinks I am really weird for doing this so you all have to show him by submitting lots of funny names. Okay? Okay, good. Now that we’re all on the same page, I’ll provide one freebie/example.


Is my underwear showing?

Everyone see how this works? Great. After I get some submissions, I’m going to pick the best ones and you will have the incredible honor of being featured on OKLAHOMA LOVE. Not enough incentive for you? How about, the next time I go out with you I will buy you a beer? Still not enough? I can also offer a jar of almond butter, some fresh tomatoes from my garden and best of all, ONE FULL DAY hanging out with Millie. Hows that for some incentive?


Caption #1


Caption #2


Caption #3


Caption #4


Caption #5


Caption #6


Caption #7


Caption #8

Leave your captions in the comments 🙂

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One thought on “Cacti, almost as funny as buffalo

  1. nr 1 : mexican wave
    nr 2 : OMG I’m falling to pieces
    nr 3 : mum and daughter go shopping
    nr 4 : go away I’m looking for a place to wee
    nr 5 : oh I’m scared !!!
    nr 6 : hellooooo !!! is it hot up there ?
    nr 7 : OMG I just got a baby !

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