Category Archives: Friends

I’m so excited… and I just can’t hide it

That’s right, THREE friends (so many I can barely count that high) are coming to Oklahoma for a visit. Not only are they coming for a visit but they picked the first weekend in May to come and really get the authentic Oklahoma experience. I’m planning on sending them a packing list that includes helmets, football pads, suits of armor, the usual.

So pretty much this blog is working like a charm, despite the fact that I haven’t written a post in about 2 years. Since it worked so well WITHOUT posting, I figured I’d start posting again and ensure that we get many, many, many more visitors (mom and dad, I’m looking at you). Maybe at least twice as many. Go big or go home.

In all seriousness though, now the planning begins! I’ve already decided on a trip to the boathouse for a zip line ride (if it’s good enough for Rumble, it’s good enough for us, am I right?) and breakfast at Kitchen (still one of my faves). I’m also hoping the Plaza is doing their first Sunday shindig. Anyone know if that is still going on? They are going to just miss the Festival of the Arts and the Memorial Marathon which is too bad since those are two of my favorite springtime events.

What other suggestions do you guys have?

Oh, also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! If you haven’t yet, make sure you wish her a happy birthday!


today we're all Oklahomans

First off, thank you to everyone for the calls, texts, emails, voicemails and general love and prayers! Alex and I are truly blessed to have such fantastic friends and family. I wanted to write up a post with some ways to donate in case you all are looking to help out. A lot of you suffered through Sandy last year and know that every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference to those who have lost everything.

  1. The easiest way to donate is to text text REDCROSS to 90999. That will add $10 to your cell phone bill and go directly to the Red Cross. The Red Cross is currently coordinating a substantial amount of the relief efforts in Moore. *If your parents still pay your cell phone bill you might try option 2 or 3 instead.
  2. The Humane Society has taken on the bulk of the displaced animals from the storm. They are working hard to reunite dogs and cats with their families and for those of you with a pet, you’ll understand how devastating this is. You can donate here,, to help them buy food, collars, leashes, crates, etc. for the animals while we look for their owners.
  3. Our CrossFit gym is participating in a fundraiser for the Red Cross this Saturday. All proceeds go directly to the relief efforts (so just like option 1 but paying with a credit card instead). You can donate online through this link – .

And if any of you are thinking, there is no way I am ever coming to visit now, just take a look at this post.


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Good things

Oklahoma and Kenya share a special connection. That connection is called Maisha (mai-ee-sha). Maisha, an organization based in Kenya, is special for a lot of reasons but my favorite is probably that it involves Oklahoma. Last night I was lucky enough to be invited to a benefit dinner for this OK-tastic organization. An incredible, grass roots effort, Maisha has changed and saved thousands of lives in Kenya. Through a series of fortunate events, Maisha’s founder Beatrice, originally from Kenya, ended up in Oklahoma. Her mother, a school teacher in Kenya was sick of seeing students unable to concentrate and pay attention in class due to hungry tummies. She brought one student home and offered him a meal. Soon she had kids lining up for meals but not enough money for food to feed them all. Beatrice began sending her $50 from her own paycheck in Oklahoma to purchase food for the kids. Thus Maisha was born.

The fundraiser last night was at the Western Heritage Museum and a friend was nice enough to invite me in return for this blog post (just kidding, obviously my love for Oklahoma can’t be bought).

The coolest part of the night was seeing how many Oklahomans had actually visited the organization in Kenya (Maisha has grown into more than just feeding hungry kids- you can learn more about all their services on their website). Maisha truly has the support of the Oklahoma community; several Oklahoma churches have sent missionary groups there, one church funded a medical center, the regional food bank of Oklahoma sent their agricultural specialist to help start a garden, numerous Oklahomans are sponsoring Kenyan children so they can attend school, etc. They are going to be releasing a series of videos that we watched last night over the course of the next few weeks and I’ll be sure to post them here- they are awesome!

Some lovely ladies at the gala.

Like half of these people have been to visit Maisha in Kenya. Kenya is really far from Oklahoma.


So hopefully by now I’ve convinced you to donate to Maisha. If I haven’t then you obviously need to go to their website and do some more reading and watch some more videos because I have not done the organization the justice it deserves.

In other news, I couldn’t stand it anymore and had to put the Christmas tree up today. I justified this act of holiday infringement by telling myself I wouldn’t decorate it until after thanksgiving. Too soon?


Andreana in Africa

A friend and frequent Oklahoma Love blog commentator, Andreana, is currently in Africa living it up and researching like a boss. Her blog is great (and she has been taking lots of great pictures) so if you have some time, check it out.

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Ten Reasons Why Our Artini Is Better

Alex and I are going to Artini this weekend (YAY SO FUN) and when googling the event to find out when it started (because asking Alex would be way too much work) I came across the fact that there is ANOTHER Artini out there. This Artini is at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington DC and while I love DC and I love the Corcoran, I felt I needed to post about why the OKLAHOMA Artini is the real, original, superior Artini and the Corcoran Artini is just a lame copy.

Plus, after several posts about how terrible our weather is out here in good old Oklahoma I am worried that I’ve scared off potential visitors. SO THIS IS A POST FOR YOU POTENTIAL VISITORS – take note.

*For those of you wondering, what the heck is this Artini thing anyway? It’s only one of the most fun, magical, Oklahoma City events involving a very cool venue, lots of local art and lots and lots of martinis crafted by local restaurants, delicious. I don’t even like martinis but I like this event.

Top Ten Reasons why our Artini is the BETTER Artini

  1. Tickets to the DC Artini are $115 and ours are $65.  Same amount of booze, less money. This one is a no brainer.
  2. The DC Artini website uses words like “craft cocktail enthusiasts”, “esteemed”, “wait-list” and “over-intoxication will not be tolerated”. Our Artini website features words like “shake up some fun”, “original work by local artists” and “dancing”.
  3. The Allied Arts supports numerous arts organizations around Oklahoma, the Corcoran only supports it’s own programs (…so selfish).
  4. The Oklahoma event is at the old farmers market. A vey cool venue where you don’t have to feel bad about spilling martinis on the floor.
  5. There will be attendees in cowboy boots at the OK Artini. “Creative cocktail attire” is required at the Corcoran which I can only assume means something like this.
  6. The DC Artini sold out. The Oklahoma Artini will probably continue to let people in until the building falls down (because THAT’s how you really support the arts).
  7. In Oklahoma, everyone is a VIP.
  8. Our event is from 7pm to 11pm so you have plenty of time to hit up the bars afterwards. And since you’re not dressed like this you don’t have to worry about people making fun of you when you go out afterwards.
  9. Oklahoma Artini is on Friday night because we have better things to do on a Saturday night than drink martinis and look at art (like going to Dave & Busters for instance).
  10. Lastly, the DC Artini ALREADY HAPPENED (it was March 31st) so if you want to go to an Artini this year, you’re going to have to get it together and buy a plane ticket to fly out here, preferably tomorrow. Make it snappy people.

See you all Friday at 7. Get ready to shake up some fun.

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April? Sure, let’s BBQ!


Just got back from a delicious BBQ at a friend’s house. On a school night?!? Yep, because everywhere in Oklahoma City takes a maximum of ten minutes to get to so it’s easy to get together even on school nights. Not only was the food amazing because we grilled outside but we actually hung out outside, after dark, in early April, without ski jackets on! Fantastic!

Speaking of which, I am really looking forward to getting our backyard into shape for BBQ season. I am planning to work on that this weekend along with starting a vegetable and herb garden. Can’t wait!


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Only the strong survive

After enduring months of derogatory comments from friends and family (yep, I’m talking to you Dad), I’ve finally decided to stand up to the cynics and write a blog about all the things I love about Oklahoma.  That’s right, I’m in love, I’m in love and I don’t care who knows it. From its slow moving drivers to its tornadoes and hail storms, I’ve enjoyed every minute of my time here. So for those of you doubters, I am vowing to change your minds about OK and MAYBE even convince you to come visit (ahem Alli Foley ahem). Plus, if we’re lucky, maybe Alex will write a guest post or two so the writing on this thing won’t be too terrible.

So without further ado, welcome to my new blog. I’m looking forward to sharing my life here with all of you.

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