Tag Archives: choctaw

Story of the week

An 11 year old boy in Choctaw recently “caught” an alligator in the pond near his house and by “caught” I mean that his grandma blew its brains out with her shotgun.

Watch the video.

There are a few things that flabbergast me about this story.

1) Why is everyone treating this like the kid is a hero? He chased an alligator and PICKED IT UP BY ITS TAIL likeĀ on TV. Does no one realize that he could have been seriously hurt? As in loosing an arm or leg? His response to thisĀ “I know that [it was dangerous], but I’ve seen plenty of those shows and I know where to grab it and what time and how.” OHHHHH. You’ve watched lots of TV shows where they wrangle alligators? I didn’t realize. Well in that case you’re definitely an expert so no big deal.

2) How are the News 9 reporters getting away with saying “knew what he seen on TV” and “swimmed and fished”? Come on guys, act like you graduated from high school. Your reporting is not helping us make Oklahoma look cool.

3) Think about how this went down. The boy calls his grandma on her cell, says “hey grandma, I seen an alligator and I’m gonna go pick it up”. Grandma grabs a shotgun and runs down to the lake. The alligator is about to bite the kid’s leg off and the grandma puts a bullet clean through its head. DOES NO ONE SEE THAT THE GRANDMA SHOT IN THE GENERAL DIRECTION OF THE 11 YEAR OLD? Grandma must be a pretty proud member of the NRA if she has the skills to shoot the 6 inch head of an alligator lunging for her grandsons leg. They should make a movie about this or something.


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