Tag Archives: OKC

I’m so excited… and I just can’t hide it

That’s right, THREE friends (so many I can barely count that high) are coming to Oklahoma for a visit. Not only are they coming for a visit but they picked the first weekend in May to come and really get the authentic Oklahoma experience. I’m planning on sending them a packing list that includes helmets, football pads, suits of armor, the usual.

So pretty much this blog is working like a charm, despite the fact that I haven’t written a post in about 2 years. Since it worked so well WITHOUT posting, I figured I’d start posting again and ensure that we get many, many, many more visitors (mom and dad, I’m looking at you). Maybe at least twice as many. Go big or go home.

In all seriousness though, now the planning begins! I’ve already decided on a trip to the boathouse for a zip line ride (if it’s good enough for Rumble, it’s good enough for us, am I right?) and breakfast at Kitchen (still one of my faves). I’m also hoping the Plaza is doing their first Sunday shindig. Anyone know if that is still going on? They are going to just miss the Festival of the Arts and the Memorial Marathon which is too bad since those are two of my favorite springtime events.

What other suggestions do you guys have?

Oh, also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! If you haven’t yet, make sure you wish her a happy birthday!


Movies in the Botanical Gardens

The myriad gardens have spent this summer getting more and more awesome, and to top it all off they just released their FREE Wednesday night film line up. Right in time for 100+ degree weather! Luckily, despite their poor timing weather-wise, they pretty much set the film schedule based on the tweet I sent them a few weeks ago.

The schedule is as follows:

July 18: Shrek
July 25:  Grease
Aug 1: Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom
Aug 8: West Side Story
Aug 15: Never Cry Wolf
Aug 22: U2’s Rattle & Hum
Aug 29: Sherlock Holmes

Temple of Doom, still a solid choice and it obviously sets the tone for the rest of the summer. I’ve decided I am starting a campaign to have Jurassic Park replace whatever weird U2 video is being shown on August 22nd. Would you rather watch Bono crying or dinosaurs eating lawyers? Pretty much a no brainer.

In the meantime, you’ll just have to tide yourself over with this.

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Oklahoma just bein a badass

New pedestrian bridge on I-40 which was designed by an OU professor!

Guess what the bridge is named?? I’ll give you a hint, it’s a bird we are all very familiar with…

Happy Sunday.

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Congrats OKC Thunder!

After purchasing an awesome Let’s Rumble t-shirt from Shop Good (and then almost missing part of the game because I wanted to stay and shop) we got to enjoy the Thunder crushing the Mavs last night from the comfort of S&B Burger.

Pre-Game psyched about my new t-shirt

Despite the fact that we were at a burger joint, everyone was watching the game and went crazy when the Thunder pulled out a 4-0 win. I took a video of the win and even though my video skills were pretty terrible, you can still get an idea of what happened (make sure you have the sound on). If you’re prone to sea sickness you might want to stop the video after 13 seconds.

Obviously we had to go out and celebrate afterwards and luckily I had my mexican hat and violin handy.

Post game celebration


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Get Your Thunder On

Obviously the most important thing to ask yourself when purchasing a ticket to attend one of this year’s Thunder play off games is – but what will I wear??  As a result, I thought I would provide a quick run down of some of the more magical Thunder shirts I have found in the last few months. So ditch last season’s Jeff Green jersey and treat yo’self to a Thunder-ific t-shirt.

*photo courtesy of DNA Galleries

The above tee is from DNA Galleries in the Plaza district. They actually have a bunch of awesome Thunder shirts which you can purchase online as well as in their store on 16th Street. PLUS they totally take the Keep it Local card (10% discount) and even though you can’t use it on Thunder gear :(, you might as well pick up one of these SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER shirts and show your Oklahoma pride.

Don’t know what is sadder, that I once again got excited that I knew the name of this bird or that I am actually planning on purchasing this t-shirt the next time I go to the Plaza district… *photo courtesy of DNA Galleries

Also fantastic from DNA Galleries is their let’s rumble underwear. So even though no one else will know you’re wearing it, you’ll know that you’re the most dedicated fan out there.

*photo courtesy of DNA Galleries

I’ve heard blue seven has some good tees as well. This was my favorite from last year and I hope they still carry it. They are located on May and Grande.

*photo courtesy of Blue Seven

My favorite Harden shirt has to be this one:

*photo courtesy of Tree & Leaf

But unfortunately it looks like they are all sold out for now. In order to appreciate the ingeniousness of this t-shirt you have to see the instructions.

If you want one I would keep checking their site and maybe email them to see if they will have more soon.

Lastly, a more subtle look from Shop Good (on 9th by Iguana and S&B) for those who don’t want to scream OKC THUNDER.

*photo courtesy of Shop Good

I kept this post to local OKC companies which wasn’t too hard since the OK companies clearly had the most awesome t-shirts. If you’re just looking for a Durant jersey (lame) you can always get one downtown at the NBA Thunder store.

As I was writing this post I found a bunch more badass Oklahoma Tees – including more Scissor-tailed Flycatcher ones (!!!) so I am going to have to save those for a later post.

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Keep it Local Card – Necessary Oklahoma Accessory

I officially made my first purchase with my new keep it local card this past weekend! I saved $.28 on my iced coffee at elemental coffee downtown and I was SO EXCITED. That means I only have to buy 35 more iced coffees for the card to pay for itself (the card is $10). I’ll probably be making money off this baby in less than two weeks.

A quick description of the card – keep it local has partnered with lots of local businesses to offer discounts or free stuff to people with the card which can be purchased at any business that takes the card. Since most of the businesses we shop/eat at are local, this card pretty much gets us a discount every time we go out. NOICE!

A few of the businesses that take it – Cool Greens (suspiciously similar in concept and name to “Sweet Green” in DC but I’m going to let it slide), Cuppie and Joe’s (great coffee, sadly no gluten-free cupcakes yet but I ask pretty much every time I go in there so I’m pretty sure they’re getting the hint or are on the verge of barring me from the shop), Bin 73 (great wine and the keep it local card benefit is FREE QUESO and everyone knows wine + queso = a great night), S&B Burgers (Peanut butter. Bacon. Sweet Potato. Fries. Enough said), Elemental (delicious coffee located conveniently next to Crossfit 405, make sure you have the coffee AFTER you work out, not before), and the list goes on.

The only card you need in OKC... other than a credit card and a debit card and an ID

Also, I just checked their website and they are planning a special Keep it Local Day this Saturday, May 5th.

Now I just have to remember to use it.

Also, a BIG THANK YOU to Andreana for being my first official guest poster (Andreana is a professor so that makes her super official). I think this blog just went from average to kind of a big deal.

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Confirmed, OKC Artini is awesome

Now that Artini is over, I can officially confirm – the OKC Artini is definitely the best. Friday night was a ton of fun and though Saints didn’t win best martini (even though they totally deserved it) we still had a great time eating, drinking teeny tiny martinis and pretending we were gigantic and dancing.


Delicious waffle cones of tuna.


Despite the cool display, this martini was pretty gross.




In case anyone outside was wondering what was going on.


Still Partaying.

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