Tag Archives: thunder t-shirts


Everyone should make sure they do the following before tonight.

First, get a new Thunder T-Shirt from Shop Good.

Then, eat a delicious THUNDER cupcake from Cuppies & Joe.

Then watch this a few times. And then a  few more times.

Then check out the sweet tees for the game tonight.

Thank you Thunder Gods for your generous gift of white and blue t-shirts.

Then read this article. If you don’t have time to read the whole article then just read this quote.

“When you only follow one professional sports team, everything gets magnified, everything gets heightened, everything means more … basically, you lose your minds. If you’re from a four-team city, or even a three-team city, imagine grouping your passion/angst/affection for those teams into one mega-team. How would you handle it? For instance, how would I have handled the Celtics’ collapse in the Miami series if that was my only team? Would I still be wearing the same clothes from Saturday? Would I be passed out drunk or in a coma? Would I be writing my fourth straight “Woe is me” column?”

Proud to be an Oklahoma City Thunder fan.

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